March on Washington

   Today in class we watched a video that covered the historical March on Washington that occurred in the capitol of our nation. This march occurred during the 1960's right in the middle of many civil rights movements.

The protests first started mostly in the Southern states where racism and segregation was a much larger problem than up north. The first protest occurred in 1955 in Montgomery Alabama. The protest sparked from the case of Rosa Parks where she refused to give up her seat to a while man on a bus. This initial protest lead to many more and started some violence. These protests kept occurring in the south and violence was repeated throughout. 

  Civil rights activist A. Phillip Randolph, stated that the marches were not causing and procession in the south and kept getting shut down. He believed that the march needed to be sent up north where the movement would be a national icon. March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom - Wikipedia

 One of the biggest and most well known Civil Rights Activists Martin Luther King Jr. attended the march and spread the message to the nation to draw in a large. By drawing in a large crowd activists intended to open the eyes of President John F. Kennedy. 

The day of the march around 250,000 people attended the march. The march was a success! Many people performed musical skits, and many speeches were also stated. One of the most popular speeches, "I Have a Dream" by MLK was read and proclaimed to the thousands of people. 

Without the March on Washington segregation and racism could possibly still exist today in the United States. The day was an eye opening experience for the nation and will go down in history forever. 



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