Plessy V. Fergusson was a historic court case that created the idea of separate but equal. Justice Marshall Harlen wrote a dissent in a response to the case. This document just talked about how the justice disagreed with the majority ruling of the case. Harlan stated in the dissent that the United States Constitution is colorblind. He also claimed that there should not be a surperior ruling class of citizens. In his eyes everyone was equal. He believed it was unfair for the states to regulate citizens based off of just race. One of the biggest points he makes in the dissent is the remark he made on freedom. He states that a country can not be known for it's freedom if not everyone is given the same rights. As a country if the United States want stories be known as the land of the free, everyone should be equal and given the same rights. Even if they are different races, everyone should be free. I agree strongly with Justice Harlen because to be a strong nation we must ...